Living Walls

There has been a lot of talk and examples out there of living walls. Which is the best system? What are the maintenance requirements? How do I irrigate them? What plants work best and where? Since there are too many variables to mention here, I’ll say what has worked for us – so far – and what we can and will install.

The system that many people see and ‘lust’ after would be the ELT or Living Wall system that is typically planted with succulents or low-growing sedums/groundcovers.

The end result is really beautiful but the labor and costs associated make this installation akin to “Fine Art” in the cost department. Most of the people who call us asking about this product get immediately scared off when we talk numbers and maintenance. Its a fine system when installed properly and maintained properly. Unfortunately this is cost-prohibitive to most people. I would say this is the most aesthetically pleasing of all the options.

Another option would be the Wooly Pocket system. While noticeably different in style and installation method, a similar look can be achieved, albeit a more “rustic/shabby” look. When you check out the website you’ll see thats exactly what the creator’s are after. The pockets come in different colors and sizes – single, triple, and 5-wide. These options make the system extremely modular and versatile. We have had lots of success with the Wooly Pockets and find them markedly easier to purchase, install and maintain. Here are few pics of installs we have done…


Whatever your location, exposure, or desire, a living wall can be accommodated. We will post more pictures of living wall, Air plants and succulent panels that we have done

Dustin Ortiz